Director of Business Development

Leisha Holland, CLU, CHS

I feel the fit here.

“My priority is on the financial and emotional health of my clients.  I want them to know and feel that I have done absolutely the best thing for them – so I educate them on their options, and often tell them they don’t need to buy anything at all.”

That’s exactly where Brian Laundry has his priorities, to the point that the concept is embedded in his brand foundation. And so the fit of which Leisha speaks.

For 16 years, at Dundee Private Investors, HollisWealth and PPI, Leisha helped clients implement financial strategies to achieve their wealth goals, prominently by insulating their retirement plans through the use of disability, life and critical illness insurance.

It is this last product with which Leisha has first-hand experience.  She had a major health event in 2023.  Critical illness insurance allowed her to receive a life-saving treatment that otherwise would have been unavailable to her. 

“I experienced the value of having the appropriate product in place,” she says.  “The peace of mind it brought to my family and me was immeasurable, which is exactly what I want our clients to have.”

Leisha helps Brian develop new relationships with clients and other advisors, while managing the team and creating efficiencies and a consistent experience for team members and clients alike.

Born and raised and now back in Simcoe, Leisha holds a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from Western University and a Business Insurance diploma from Fanshaw College. Outside of work, Leisha enjoys hot yoga, and a few times per week, will run five or 10K.  Every day, she runs after her children.

Contact Brian

Our job is to coach you – the advisor and the client – and not let you make a mistake.